Program & Course Outcomes


Facilitating the students to develop skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking to add to their communication ability in English and Kannada as well to connect them with the world around and for best teaching-learning purpose, maximizing efficiency, maintaining discipline and morale, promoting teamwork, planning, communicating, focusing on results, evaluating progress, and making constant adjustments. A range of strategies are employed to promote positive relationships, cooperation, and purposeful learning. Organizing, assigning, and managing time, space and activities ensure the active and equitable engagement of students in productive tasks.

Enable to understand the developmental task of different age groups, providing hands on experiences to interact with children, developing understanding about individual differences among children in the class and organize teaching learning process accordingly, to comprehend teaching competencies and skills through various teaching pedagogies and internship and facilitating the learners to become friendly user of ICT.

To enable the pupil teachers to prepare innovative lesson in their respective pedagogical subjects and develop teaching skills and enable them to prepare school records and provide a rich programme of curricular and co-curricular activities for student teachers for all round development of their personalities

Teaching competency developed through microteaching, simulated teaching.

  1. To stimulate interest in students towards effective teaching learning strategies by promoting a work culture with the commitment for a life time teaching profession as a passion rather than a job.
  2. To generate a new work culture for improving the practice of education through teaching, research and extension.
  3. To foster values of the new global scenario such as quality consciousness, eco friendliness, sustainable development and love for fellow men. Ø To create a committed teaching community to spread the light of education especially in the Hyderabad Karnataka region.
  4. To develop teachers with the knowledge on socio and psycho perspectives of learner, expertise on curricular and pedagogical concerns of the learner.


  1. To provide opportunities to enhancing their competence and knowledge construction abilities in creating positive learning atmosphere in schools.
  2. To sensitize the stakeholders on the issues related to environmental protection, gender, literacy and other concurrent issues
  3. To develop Social awareness and skills in pupil teachers who can be leaders and agents of social change and transformation in society.
  4. To develop scientific temperament and ICT knowledge in pupil teachers for changing technological challenges and globalization demands.
  5. To develop humanitarian values and ethics who can shape future generations with competencies as well as values.
  6. To connect theoretical curricular areas with practicum through tasks and assignments
  7. To provide a reflective school experience through a 40-week internship programme
  8. To enhance the professional capacities of the student-teachers through EPC courses

Programme Learning Outcomes B.Ed.

After completion of Teacher Education programme the pupil teachers will be able to:

  1. Develop ten key competencies as identified by National Council of Teacher Education (NCTE).
  2. Attain harmonious development of their personality.
  3. Analyse curriculum and select appropriate teaching strategies according to their needs.
  4. Compete at the global level through the use of interdisciplinary knowledge.
  5. Engage themselves in the process of self-directed learning through the use of innovative practices.
  6. Apply teaching skills and methodology to deal with classroom problems.
  7. Empower themselves with the subject content and pedagogy.
  8. Comprehend the characteristics, needs and strategies of dealing with diverse learners in an inclusive environment.
  9. Develop various life skills needed for successful survival in society.
  • Contribute to the community service programme.


At the beginning of the academic year during the Orientation Programme students are briefed about the PLOs. The College is committed to quality education which is reflected in its programme outcomes and course outcomes. Continuous internal assessment is taken regularly and students’ marks are recorded which helps to predict their academic progress. B.Ed. Programme aims at preparing professionally trained teachers. Detailed knowledge of the subject, perfected teaching skill – marked by implementation of new methods and techniques into educational activities and also distinguished by the incorporation of essentially new, progressive theoretical ideas, principles and methods of training and education.

  • Comprehensive basic concepts and ideas of educational theory, build understanding and perspective on the nature of the learner, diversity and learning.
  • Enhance understanding about teaching, pedagogy, school management and community involvement
  • Build skills and abilities of communication, reflection, art, aesthetics, theatre, self-expression and ICT.
  • Train the student teacher towards achieving excellence on academic, social, mental, physical, moral, and cultural fronts.
  • To create a learning environment which integrates theory and practice.
  • To create an ethical, purposeful, enthusiasm and motivated educating community for the global requirements.
  • To nurture, in particular, the values of peace, justice, equality and fraternity.
  • To develop critical thinking among pupil teachers on psychological, social, economic and philosophical perspectives so that they can build future citizens with critical and scientific mind.
  • To provide prospective teachers with a stimulating and catalytic environment that is both futuristic in outlook and holistic in perspective for the achievement of excellence.
  • To provide theoretical knowledge interwoven with a repertoire of pedagogical practices, hands-on teaching experience and the inclusion of technology as a teaching and learning tool.
  • To draw out latent talents and creativity through varied co-curricular programmes.
  • To develop teachers who are professionally equipped with skills and competencies for changing technological needs and global concerns.


1 Curriculum and Planning: 

Students will apply their knowledge of core content and pedagogy to set goals and objectives for learning based on state and national standards and local curriculum, and design instruction that engages students in meaningful learning.

2 The Learner and the Learning Environment: 

Students will demonstrate their understanding of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains, and other characteristics of their diverse learners, and create an environment of respect, rapport, collaboration and a culture for learning.

 3 Teaching: 

Students will design and deliver meaningful learning experiences for all students by integrating their knowledge of content, pedagogy, the learner and the learning environment by engaging in the reflective instructional cycle of planning, instruction, feedback and assessment.

4 Professional Responsibilities for Self-Renewal: 

Students will demonstrate their commitment to continuous self-improvement by engaging in collaboration, reflective practice, and research to enhance their teaching skills.

5 Professional Responsibilities for School and Community: 

Students will demonstrate leadership by participating in the implementation of the vision and mission of the institute, strategic planning/continuous improvement, curriculum initiatives, student support and management systems; and demonstrate a commitment to ethical and equitable behaviour.

6 Culturally Responsive Teaching Practice: 

Students will engage in culturally responsive and inclusive teaching practice to help all students regardless of their language, culture, race, geographic location, special needs, or poverty and facilitate learning through collaboration among teachers and students, developing students’ competence and potential.

7 Effective Communication: 

Students use effective and appropriate verbal, nonverbal, written, and media communication techniques in their teaching, professional collaboration, and interactions with students, colleagues, parents, and the community.

8 Professional Dispositions: 

Students will demonstrate a disposition of professionalism, efficiency, and integrity in their teaching and interactions with students, colleagues, parents, and the community.


After completion of Teacher Education programme the pupil teachers will be able to:

  • Use enriching content and pedagogical knowledge to inform their teaching.
  • Acquire conceptual tools of critical analysis and the experience of engaging with diverse communities
  • Develop relevant, rigorous, and developmentally appropriate curricula based on emerging trends and research.
  • Modify curriculum and instruction based on the individual needs of their diverse learner population.
  • Enhance an understanding of development, learning and uniqueness of the growing child in diverse socio-cultural contexts
  • Use appropriate assessment tools and techniques to assess their students’ learning and their own teaching to inform future planning and teaching.
  • Attend to the social, psychological, and civic development of their students.
  • Work respectfully and collaboratively with colleagues and community to ensure quality education for all.