Green campus initiatives

Green campus initiatives: Maintenance of Garden

Restricted entry of automobiles

Around required number of college buses pick and drop the students from various parts of Bidar districts. Almost all staff members utilizes college bus facility. Government bus transport facility is also availed by about few students who stay nearby. The staff and students are restricted to use their automobiles inside the college during the working hours. Vendors, parents, visitors are restricted to enter inside the college campus using automobiles and are asked to park their vehicles in the entrance.

Plastic-free campus

The Students and members of the staff are educated not to use plastics. Display boards depicting ‘No Plastic/Plastic free zone’ are placed at vantage points. The students and staff spread awareness on avoiding plastic-cups, plastic sheets and plastic-bags in the neighbourhood. The program started with a rally showcasing the banned one time use and throw away plastics and distributed cloth bags.

Energy saving

Our college infrastructure is planned such using more natural sunlight. Create the habit of switching off lights and fans in classrooms and faculty cabins when not in use. Our college promoted the use of digital initiatives and e-learning and reduces use of hard copies. Also for conveying notices to teachers and students create WhatsApp groups. Promoted the use of LED light instead of fluorescent light. The college purchase only energy star rating instrument which saving the energy.

Noise pollution

Certain areas like library, class room are declared as Silence zone and noise pollution is kept to minimum on college campus. Various display boards have been placed in the library and other places for awareness to maintain silence in the college.


The Green Area in the college includes the plants, greenery and sustainability of the campus to ensure that the buildings conform to green standards. Reuse of the water shall be done instead of use of freshwater. Display of environment protection banners, posters like save water, save energy at prominent places, waste disposal bins for wet and dry waste disposal bins for wet and dry waste disposal are some of the initiatives taken. Composting of biodegradable waste to be scientifically done. Rain water Harvesting (RWH) is to be done technically. The survey was focused on the diversity of plants, birds, animals on the basis of their classification

Our college encompasses only a small percentage of build-up area while the rest of the premise is green covered. Green Landscaping is done around the Administrative building and all the department buildings. The campus is beautifully landscaped with a portion of land spread over 52 acres with lush green in front of the building. Periodic Sapling of plants and trees are done. Lot of trees and plants are seen in the campus. They include plenty number of pinus trees, neem trees, eucalyptus, Asoka tress, false Asoka podocartus tress, etc. More than 75 different types of trees and several herbal plants are the proof of our green campus.

Disable friendly, barrier free environment

Our college provides barrier-free environment where people with disabilities can move about safely and freely and use the facilities within the built environment. The environment supports the independent functioning of individuals so that they can participate without assistance in everyday activities within the campus. Buildings/places/transportation systems are made barrier free.

RAMP and wheel chair

Ramp-Rails, an inclined plane, are built in addition to staircases on right side of the building. The ramps are carefully designed as per specifications to be used by the differently abled people. And wheel chair has been provided to the physically disabled people.